Ashton Imagery | Wedding Photography & Videography

capturing your magical moments


capturing your magical moments

California's Fun Photography & Videography Team.

Specializing in weddings and helping businesses build their brand & tell their story. We like to have fun and party but efficient.

Come visit our website and let us tell your story!


Hi! We are Kayla + Lonnie

Let’s capture the best day of your life.

Hi! We are Kayla + Lonnie

Let’s capture the best day of your life.

“Kayla is amazing and kind! She really listens to what you are looking for in your pictures. She makes you feel so beautiful and takes off some of the stress of the wedding. If you’re looking for the perfect person for your perfect day, Ashton Imagery is the one for you HANDS DOWN!”

Meagan Childers | An Ashton Imagery Bride

Wedding Films

Creating Dreamy cinematic memories

you can keep forever

Wedding Films

Creating Dreamy cinematic memories

you can keep forever